We love Stanford, but it’s not what it could be. As one alum put it, “Stanford has always had a sense of whimsy, fun and irreverence alongside its academic rigor. That’s been part of our enduring zeitgeist, something that distinguishes us from many of our peers. And yet, in recent years, our undergraduates have shared that this hasn’t been a widespread experience during their time on campus. Students have articulated that social life on campus is less than what it could or should be.” An administration focused on liability reduction and “least-common-denominator equity” has destroyed what makes Stanford special.
It is unjust and ineffective to make it difficult for students to host safe and legal events, sanction organizations without cause, and adjudicate without direct student influence. This has directly caused significant declines in quality of student life.
Remove Stanford administration’s hold on organization event registration, which has placed direct limitations on the student social scene.
Rescind Stanford’s new Student Alcohol Policy, which research shows has been unsuccessful in improving student safety, and instead encourages dangerous behavior.
Restore the traditions, houses, organizations, programs, and agency that have made Stanford special.
Institute a habeas corpus policy for student organizations - no organization should sit on probation for months without a detailed accusation against them. Stop spending tuition and donor money on hiring outside counsel to litigate students.
Prioritize student safety and health through providing more resources to organizations for self-governance over Stanford’s desire to remove themselves from potential liability.